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Chamber Scholarship

The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program annually provides FOUR graduating Central High School students with a $500 scholarship for use at one of the three local community colleges - Mineral Area College or Central Methodist University.
Below is a list of all recipients of the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Academic Scholarship.
Ava Eden is the 1st of Three Academic Scholarship Recipients for 2021
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce the award of three scholarships to 2021 Central High School Graduates!
Each recipient will receive a $500 scholarship to use at one of our three local colleges or universities.
Ava is the daughter of Jason and Alicia Eden. She will be using her scholarship for the 2021 fall semester at Mineral Area College to continue pursuing her Associate of Arts in Teaching degree. She has been working toward this goal since her junior year. After graduating from MAC, Ava is undecided which University she will attend to complete her educational goals, however, she plans to someday teach second grade at Central.
In her application essay, Ava explained that her goal in life has always been to help others. Her desire to help others goes far deeper than just teaching, however. Ava has a strong love for her community which shows through her many volunteer efforts. She assists with the Meals on Wheels program, helps hand out free food boxes, participates in local blood drives, has worked as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity projects, helps with trash pickup projects, and always participates in the local Community Christmas Program in which she “adopts” a child for which to buy Christmas Gifts. These are all things that she plans to be a part of well into adulthood.
Ava has been on Student Council for the majority of her educational career and was appointed President of the Student Council earlier this year. She has been Class President since her sophomore year, she is a member of the National Honor Society, the Future Teachers of America, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Pep Club, the Spanish Club, and is active in Rebel Student Awareness. Ava’s focus on community, betterment, and kindness made her a perfect candidate for the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber Scholarship.
The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program is funded by our Elite Partners, our Chamber Investors, funds raised during our Signature Events, and donations from members of our community.
We are honored to have the opportunity to assist each of these students with their continuing education goals and look forward to seeing each of them achieve their career dreams.
Paige Huitt is the 2nd of Three Academic Scholarship Recipients for 2021
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce the award of three scholarships to 2021 Central High School Graduates!
Each recipient will receive a $500 scholarship to use at one of our three local colleges or universities.
Paige is the daughter of David and Kimberly Huitt. She will be using her scholarship for the 2021 fall enrollment at Mineral Area College where she will be attending classes to obtain her Associates of Arts Degree. Her goal is to transfer to Southeast Missouri State University, after earning her degree at MAC, where she will work to earn her bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. These goals will help her to accomplish her dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher.
In her application essay, Paige details her admiration for teachers noting that they are the “backbone to society”. She pegs all teachers as role models; noting that communities can further develop socially and economically because of teachers. A sincere love for children is what motivates Paige to pursue her dream of being a kindergarten teacher. She hopes to be a strong role model for all her future young students; providing them with knowledge, guidance, and a solid educational foundation to assist them as they begin their educational journeys.
Paige is a member of the marching, concert, and jazz bands where she plays both the alto saxophone and the clarinet. She is involved with the National Honor Society, Future Teachers of America, Pep Club, and Music Club, as well as assists in the high school office. Outside of school, Paige works as a Shift Leader for Lix Frozen Custard. Paige’s positive attitude, educational focus, and strong goals made her a perfect candidate for the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber Scholarship.
The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program is funded by our Elite Partners, our Chamber Investors, funds raised during our Signature Events, and donations from members of our community.
We are honored to have the opportunity to assist each of these students with their continuing education goals and look forward to seeing each of them achieve their career dreams.
Kaley Kimball is the 3rd of Three Academic Scholarship Recipients for 2021
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce the award of three scholarships to 2021 Central High School Graduates!
Each recipient will receive a $500 scholarship to use at one of our three local colleges or universities.
Kaley is the daughter of Kyle and Ellen Kyle Kimball. She will be using her scholarship for 2021 fall enrollment at Mineral Area College where she will begin working on her goal to become an aeronautical engineer.
In her application essay, Kaley explains that space exploration has always been her dream. She remembers, as a child, her fascination with the moon, the spitzer telescope, Viking, and voyager 1. Some of her favorite memories are viewing different stars and constellations through her uncle’s telescope. Recently, watching the Perseverance Rover touchdown on Mars was a great joy for Kaley; knowing that we could soon learn so much more about the unknowns of space. Kaley knows that her dreams are big, and her backup career goal is to become a counselor or teacher, however, she noted that she has always set big goals for herself and has the determination to never let herself down. With that, she intends to work hard to reach her aeronautical engineer dream. Thinking even further into the future, Kaley hopes to give back to her community in a unique way; by implementing new ways for kids to learn about space and science.
Kaley has been a member of the Central Volleyball team since 7th grade and hopes to continue playing at MAC. She is also a member of the basketball team, track team, National Honor Society, Student Council, History Club, Spanish Club, Science Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Rebel Student Awareness. Kaley is a member of the Bread of Life Worship Centre and also works as a cashier and does food prep at Crystal and Rich’s Produce. Kaley’s goals, ambition, and determination made her a perfect candidate for the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber Scholarship.
The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program is funded by our Elite Partners, our Chamber Investors, funds raised during our Signature Events, and donations from members of our community.
We are honored to have the opportunity to assist each of these students with their continuing education goals and look forward to seeing each of them achieve their career dreams.
Alicia Robbins is the 1st of Four Academic Scholarship Recipients for 2020
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce the award of four scholarships to 2020 Central High School Graduates! Chamber Board Members amended the program to award scholarships to four graduating seniors in 2020, up from one recipient in years past.
Each recipient will receive a $500 scholarship to use at one of our three local colleges or universities.
Alicia is the daughter of Dan and Tracy Robbins. She will be using her scholarship for fall enrollment at Mineral Area College where she intends to study radiology.
In her application essay, Alicia explains that being born with a heart murmur initiated her drive to become a radiology technician. She explained that radiologic technology was instrumental in helping her parents to understand her condition, giving her inspiration to offer the same skills and advice to other parents and patients about the medical situations they are facing. Alicia stressed how important it is to make her future patients feel uplifted and positive during their interactions with her. She hopes to make the process and the data, which is often confusing, more simplified for her patients.
Alicia goes on to explain her goal to learn new and innovative technology, while always seeking to find the newest solutions for obtaining the best possible results. Alicia is looking forward to hands-on experiences
during her time at MAC, including visiting radiological facilities, job shadowing, and consulting with current radiology professionals.
Alicia is a member of the National Honor Society, the Pep Club, History Club, and Spanish Club. She also serves as a student leader for her youth group at The Bridge Church. Alicia is an ambitious young lady with a strong desire to reach the impressive goals that she has set for herself.
Each recipient of a Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship receives a $500 scholarship. Scholarships may be used at any of the following higher education facilities: Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. The scholarship requirements outline the importance of being an active member of your community and require that the scholarship recipient attends one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and volunteers at one Chamber Signature Event such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night.
The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program is funded by our Elite Partners, our Chamber Investors, funds raised during our Signature Events, and donations from members of our community.
We are honored to have the opportunity to assist each of this year's recipients with their continuing education goals and look forward to seeing each of them achieve their career dreams.
Chelsea Sciortino is the 2nd of Four Academic Scholarship Recipients for 2020
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce the award of four scholarships to 2020 Central High School Graduates! Chamber Board Members amended the program to award scholarships to four graduating seniors in 2020, up from one recipient in years past.
Each recipient will receive a $500 scholarship to use at one of our three local colleges or universities.
Chelsea is the daughter of Melissa Sciortino. She will be using her scholarship for fall enrollment at Mineral Area College where she will be attending classes in the nursing program. She has already begun preparing for the program by completing some of the needed courses during her last year of high school.
Chelsea plans to complete her prerequisites and general studies before entering the nursing program. Her goal is to attend MAC’s two-year nursing program in hopes of becoming a Registered Nurse and eventually a nurse practitioner.
In her application essay, Chelsea notes her younger sister’s traumatic brain injury as the reason for her desire to pursue nursing. She explained that an accident left her sister with less than a 5% chance of survival. With around-the-clock care from nurses and medical professionals, her sister was able to overcome the devastating incident, which left a lasting effect on Chelsea. She notes that she too desires the ability to leave the same amazing impact on other’s lives. Chelsea hopes to one day impact her community by donating her time to urgent care centers and health departments that make healthcare affordable for low-income families.
Chelsea is a member of the National Honor Society and DECA. She is also employed as a waitress and carhop. Chelsea is a dedicated young woman with a caring heart, and an obvious aspiration to help those in need.
Each recipient of a Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship receives a $500 scholarship. Scholarships may be used at any of the following higher education facilities: Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. The scholarship requirements outline the importance of being an active member of your community and require that the scholarship recipient attends one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and volunteers at one Chamber Signature Event such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night.
The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program is funded by our Elite Partners, our Chamber Investors, funds raised during our Signature Events, and donations from members of our community.
We are honored to have the opportunity to assist each of this year's recipients with their continuing education goals and look forward to seeing each of them achieve their career dreams.
Tyler Phares is the 3rd of Four Academic Scholarship Recipients for 2020
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce the award of four scholarships to 2020 Central High School Graduates! Chamber Board Members amended the program to award scholarships to four graduating seniors in 2020, up from one recipient in years past.
Each recipient will receive a $500 scholarship to use at one of our three local colleges or universities.
Tyler is the son of Wade and Valerie Phares. He will be using his scholarship for fall enrollment at Mineral Area College where he will work to obtain his Associate of Arts degree. He plans to attend MAC for two years, after which, he hopes to transfer to Central Methodist University or SEMO State University to obtain an education in teaching and coaching.
In his application essay, Tyler credits influential teachers and inspirational coaches as the motivation for his career goals. He notes that the teachers you meet while growing up truly change your life and are remembered for a lifetime. As an athlete himself, Tyler aspires to eventually coach basketball or baseball. He mentions the optimism and positive criticism he received from one particular coach; a lasting impression that gives him the drive to be an impactful coach.
Tyler has a strong desire to give back to the community that, he says, has given him everything. He hopes to one day present future generations with some of the same guidance and influence he was given.
Tyler is a member of the National Honor Society, FCA, and the Central Basketball team. He is also involved with his church’s mission trips. Tyler is a young man with a passion to be a positive influence and the knowledge to be successful.
Each recipient of a Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship receives a $500 scholarship. Scholarships may be used at any of the following higher education facilities: Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. The scholarship requirements outline the importance of being an active member of your community and require that the scholarship recipient attends one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and volunteers at one Chamber Signature Event such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night.
The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program is funded by our Elite Partners, our Chamber Investors, funds raised during our Signature Events, and donations from members of our community.
We are honored to have the opportunity to assist each of this year's recipients with their continuing education goals and look forward to seeing each of them achieve their career dreams.
Emily Rasnic is the 4th of Four Academic Scholarship Recipients for 2020
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce the award of four scholarships to 2020 Central High School Graduates! Chamber Board Members amended the program to award scholarships to four graduating seniors in 2020, up from one recipient in years past.
Each recipient will receive a $500 scholarship to use at one of our three local colleges or universities.
Emily is the daughter of Tara and Chad Rasnic. She will be using her scholarship for fall enrollment at Mineral Area College where she plans to begin working on her goal of becoming a Pediatric Nurse. Emily has extensive educational goals which include attending classes at MAC to obtain her Associate's Degree in an effort to become a Radiologic Technologist, followed by continued education at a larger college with the hope of obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Nursing which will allow her to become a Pediatric Nurse.
In her application essay, Emily attributes her motivation to become a nurse to her passion for helping people and desire to improve lives. She references personal experiences during her stay at the hospital following injuries as a child, noting that she aspires to ensure that children feel comfortable and confident with her care during their stay.
Emily is also driven to ensure that children without easy access to medical care receive the same standards of care as those with excellent access. She feels that all children deserve to feel comfortable in their nurse’s care and should leave their visit happy, healthy, and fully recovered.
Emily is a member of the National Honor Society, Art Club, History Club, Science Club, and Spanish Club. She is also employed as a part-time daycare worker. Emily is an inspiring young woman with big dreams and the determination needed to fulfill those dreams.
Each recipient of a Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship receives a $500 scholarship. Scholarships may be used at any of the following higher education facilities: Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. The scholarship requirements outline the importance of being an active member of your community and require that the scholarship recipient attends one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and volunteers at one Chamber Signature Event such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night.
The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program is funded by our Elite Partners, our Chamber Investors, funds raised during our Signature Events, and donations from members of our community.
We are honored to have the opportunity to assist each of this year's recipients with their continuing education goals and look forward to seeing each of them achieve their career dreams.
Yancy McCarron is the Recipient of the 2019 Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Academic Scholarship
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce that the fifth recipient of the Chamber Scholarship is, 2019 Central High School Graduate, Yancy McCarron! Yancy was awarded the scholarship at the Central High School Academic Banquet on April 30, 2019.
Yancy, daughter of Robert and Emma McCarron, will receive $500 per semester, for up to four consecutive semesters, towards her initial enrollment at Mineral Area College and any consecutive semesters at either Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. The scholarship will help with the cost of classes, supplies, and other needs as she works to earn her Associate of Arts Degree followed by her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology with a possible Minor in Museum Studies, Art History, or Religious Studies.
Yancy tells us that she would eventually like to complete her Masters, and possibly even a Ph.D. in Anthropology or Archaeology. She is uncertain just how much of her educational goals she will fulfill, however, upon completion, she hopes to pursue a successful career full of history. She has dreams of traveling the world while participating in various excavations to uncover the past, exposing how we as humans once lived during various time periods and in other cultures.
Even though she has a strong desire to travel, Yancy also has a strong desire to eventually return to her roots, using her experiences to further continue her historical endeavors. It is her dream to return to St. Francois County to gather as much historical information about our county through anthropological and archaeological research to curate a museum for citizens to view and learn. She explains that coordinating school trips to this museum or even teaching classes about our town’s history would be a top priority so that those who live here will have the opportunity to understand that our local history is just as important as our country’s history.
As a recipient of the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, Yancy will receive her first $500 installment of funds to assist with either her spring or fall classes at Mineral Area College during 2019. Three more $500 installments will be available to Yancy; one for each consecutive semester she attends Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. She will receive a total of $2,000 in financial aid toward her continuing education studies
Finally, one of the recipient requirements of the scholarship outlines the importance of being an active member of the community in which you live, by insisting that the scholarship recipient attend and/or volunteer at one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and one Chamber Sponsored Events such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night. We look forward to having Yancy join us at an investor meeting and help at one of our Chamber-sponsored events. This will be a great opportunity for Chamber Investors and local members of the community to congratulate her on an outstanding high school academic record and continuing education plan!
Raylyn White is the Recipient of the 2018 Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Academic Scholarship
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce that the fourth recipient of the Chamber Scholarship is, 2018 Central High School Graduate, Raylyn White! Raylyn was awarded the scholarship at the Central High School Academic Banquet on May 3, 2018.
Raylyn, daughter of Jeremy and Wendy White, will receive $500 per semester, for up to four consecutive semesters, towards her initial enrollment at Mineral Area College and follow her through the bridge program to Central Methodist University. The scholarship will help with the cost of classes, supplies, and other needs as she works to earn her Associate’s Degree at MAC, followed by, her Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting at CMU.
Raylyn admits that her college education is just a bridge to what she wants to do after college. She has been an active member of her church her entire life and explains that her church played a very large role in deciding what she wanted to do after high school. Raylyn says that she feels as if she is being led toward a leadership role within her church. For her, an accounting degree will enable her to assist the church with financial guidance, as well as, allow for a flexible schedule with the ability to work from home so that she can continue to work with those in need. Her future goals include working with young people and those in need.
Strongly vested in her faith, Raylyn spends much of her spare time working with the church’s Bus Ministry kids. She explains that these children are from very low-income homes; many of them face challenges that most of us could never imagine. She helps to mentor these children, teach them, and assists in finding them opportunities that they might not otherwise have access too. She plans to continue this work no matter where the future takes her. Raylyn told us “my entire educational goal is to prepare myself for what God had called me to do: be a servant to those around me.”
As a recipient of the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, Raylyn will receive her first $500 installment of funds to assist with fall classes at Mineral Area College during 2018. Three more $500 installments will be available to Raylyn; one for each consecutive semester she attends Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. She will receive a total of $2,000 in financial aid toward her continuing education studies. After finishing her associate’s degree at Mineral Area College, Raylyn plans to continue her education at Central Methodist University, earning her bachelor’s degree in accounting.
Finally, one of the recipient requirements of the scholarship outlines the importance of being an active member of the community in which you live, by insisting that the scholarship recipient attend and/or volunteer at one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and one Chamber Sponsored Events such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night. We look forward to having Raylyn join us at an investor meeting and help at one of our Chamber sponsored events. This will be a great opportunity for Chamber Investors and local members of the community to congratulate her on an outstanding high school academic record and continuing education plan!
Brandon Norfolk is the Recipient of the 2017 Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Academic Scholarship
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce that the third recipient of the Chamber Scholarship is, 2017 Central High School Graduate, Brandon Norfolk! Norfolk was awarded the scholarship at the Central High School Academic Banquet on April 27, 2017.
Norfolk, son of Kristy Thomas of Park Hills, will receive $500 per semester, for up to four consecutive semesters, towards his enrollment at Mineral Area College. The scholarship will help with the costs of general studies classes leading to a degree in Wildlife Management.
Norfolk has been actively working toward his career goals throughout high school by taking many dual credit classes such as Elementary Spanish 1 & 2, English Comp 1 & 2, and General Biology, along with maintaining a 3.5 GPA. He has also worked extremely hard to earn the highest rank in The Boy Scouts of America Organization, Eagle Scout.
Norfolk is still determining his exact career path but is sure his degree will be focused on wildlife and nature. His love for wildlife and being outdoors has helped him aspire to be a Fish & Game Warden since the age of 10, however, he also has an interest in teaching biology. His experience in The Boy Scouts of America program will be very beneficial in helping him to achieve his career goals. Norfolk tells us that his family has been active in The Boy Scouts of America Organization for over 50 years, with his grandparents serving as troop leaders for 30 years prior to retiring. In following family traditions, Norfolk is not only an active member of The Boy Scouts of America, but also currently serves as an Order of the Arrow member, and is a four-year member of the Ozark Trailblazers Ceremonial Team.
After college, Brandon plans to stay active with The Boy Scouts of America by serving as a leader; teaching young scouts the values and morals of the organization, and he hopes to inspire other young scouts to earn their Eagle Scout rank. He also plans to donate time to local charities. Norfolk says that participating in the “Scouting For Food” program for more than 13 years has taught him a love for helping others, and he intends to continue this tradition for years to come.
Aside from his dedication to The Boy Scouts of America, Norfolk is a member of the Central High School Band; he loves music; plays the trumpet and guitar; works at Park Hills River Mart; and volunteers at the Veterinary Clinic of the Mineral Area.
As a recipient of the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, Norfolk will receive his first $500 installment of funds to assist with either summer or fall classes at Mineral Area College during 2017. Three more $500 installments will be available to Norfolk; one for each consecutive semester he attends Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. He will receive a total of $2,000 in financial aid toward his continuing education studies. After finishing his general studies at Mineral Area College, Norfolk plans to continue his education at Southeast Missouri State University in hopes of earning his bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Management.
Finally, one of the recipient requirements of the scholarship outlines the importance of being an active member of the community in which you live, by insisting that the scholarship recipient attend and/or volunteer at one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting and one Chamber sponsored event such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night. We look forward to having Brandon join us at an investor meeting and help at one of our Chamber-sponsored events. This will be a great opportunity for Chamber Investors and local members of the community to congratulate him on an outstanding high school academic record and continuing education plan!
Taylor Jones is the Recipient of the 2016 Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Academic Scholarship
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce that the second recipient of the Chamber Scholarship is, 2016 Central High School Graduate, Taylor Jones!
Jones, daughter of Timothy & Julie Jones of Park Hills, will receive $500 per semester, for up to four consecutive semesters, to assist with the costs of earning her Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education at Mineral Area College.
Jones has been actively working toward her career goals throughout high school by taking many dual credit classes, maintaining a 3.9 GPA, and carrying the rank of 4th in her class. She has also been involved in her church youth group, participated in WEB, an after-school Bible club for kids, and has experience working with toddlers through babysitting and childcare.
Jones believes that God called her to be an early childhood education major at a very young age. She reminisces pretending to be a teacher to her dolls and even her friends. “Working with children and seeing them learn brings a smile to my face and happiness to my heart,” says Jones. It is her dream to impact the lives of children, in hopes that they will look back and remember that even though they were young, she not only educated them, but cared for them, and taught them that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. Jones hopes to contribute to the local community by helping to build the young minds of the next generation, giving them the skills to succeed and help our community grow.
As a recipient of the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, Jones will receive her first $500 installment of funds to assist with the fall classes at Mineral Area College. Three more $500 installments will be available to Jones; one for each consecutive semester she attends Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. She will receive a total of $2,000 in financial aid toward her degree. After receiving her associate’s degree, Jones plans to continue her education at a four-year college in hopes of earning her bachelor’s and master's degrees.
Chelsie Grindstaff is the Recipient of the 2015 Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Academic Scholarship
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is excited to announce that the recipient of the very first Chamber Scholarship is 2015 Central High School Graduate, Chelsie L. Grindstaff!
Grindstaff, daughter of D. Ray and Sheila Grindstaff of Park Hills, will receive $500 per semester, for up to four consecutive semesters, to assist with the costs of earning her Associate of Arts Degree in Teaching at Mineral Area College.
Grindstaff was heavily involved in extracurricular activities throughout her high school career. She was active in Marching Band, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, FTA, FCA, and the Upward Bound Program.
Community involvement played an important part in the decision-making process of the Chamber's Scholarship Selection Committee. Community pride, beautification, and participation are all very important to the Chamber. The selection committee found it refreshing that aside from maintaining a high GPA through her high school studies; participating in several extracurricular school activities; and working 15-20 hours per week for the past two years at Country Mart; Grindstaff, also found time to be active and support her local community by volunteering and participating in the Future Teachers of America, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Hurryville Freewill Baptist Church, and Park Hills Head Start.
As a recipient of the Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, Grindstaff will receive her first $500 installment of funds to assist with the summer classes in which she’s already enrolled at Mineral Area College. Three more $500 installments will be available to Grindstaff; one for each consecutive semester she attends Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, or Missouri Baptist University. She will receive a total of $2,000 in financial aid toward her degree.
Finally, one of the recipient requirements of the scholarship outlines the importance of being an active member of the community in which you live by insisting that the scholarship recipient attend and/or volunteer at one Chamber of Commerce Investor Meeting, and one Chamber Sponsored Events such as the Annual Firecracker Run or Sweetheart Trivia Night. We look forward to having Chelsie join us at a meeting and help at an event. This will be a great opportunity for Chamber Investors and local members of the community to congratulate her on an outstanding high school academic record and continuing education plan!

About The Park Hills – Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program
In late 2014, Park Hills - Leadington Chamber Board Members began brainstorming a program designed to promote local education, encourage continued education, instill the importance of "community" in local youth, and most importantly, to give some graduating Central High School Students a small token of our appreciation in exchange for their local devotion.
Initially, the Chamber Board chose to award one $2000 scholarship per year. This was a 4-semester scholarship with $500 awarded to that one recipient each consecutive semester for four semesters. We awarded our 1st scholarship in 2015. To date, we have awarded 5 scholarships.
In 2020, the Board of Directors voted to make some changes to the program. Many of the previous recipients only used portions of the $2,000 due to their desire to move on to other 4-year colleges. For this reason, the Chamber Board decided to begin awarding $500 scholarships to FOUR graduates each year, rather than one $2,000 to one student annually. The guidelines for the program are as follows:
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program annually provides FOUR graduating Central High School students with a $500 scholarship for use at one of the two local community colleges - Mineral Area College or Central Methodist University.
The scholarship may be used for tuition, books, and other college-related expenses.
The scholarship requirements outline the importance of being an active member of your community and require that the scholarship recipient participates in or volunteers at two Chamber of Commerce meetings or Signature events, such as the Annual Firecracker Run, Trivia Night, or Sauces & Shows.
To qualify as a potential candidate for the Chamber Scholarship, the following criteria must be met:
- Applicant must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Applicant must complete the FASFA and provide information from that form to the scholarship selection committee
- Applicant must submit an official application along with a 300-500 word essay explaining their education and career goals, and how they plan to be active in the betterment of the community
- The applicant will be asked to provide a copy of their ACT Score if available
- Some applicants will be chosen by the scholarship selection committee for a live interview.
- Applicant must agree to participate in or volunteer at least two Chamber functions: the Annual Firecracker Run, Trivia Night, Sauces & Shows, or a Monthly Chamber Investor Meeting
Students may apply for the Chamber Scholarship by downloading the official application from the Chamber’s website and returning it to their Central High School Counselor.
Aside from Chamber Events, local donors help to fund this valuable program. Your donation can help ensure that this program continues for many years to come! We invite you to contribute to the Chamber's Scholarship Fund today!!